Eiffel Full Scholarship in France 2022 - Full Opportunities

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autohr img By Vipul Jain
16 Feb, 2025

If you have the desire to study free in France, but you have been unable to find an appropriate scholarship, then the Eiffel Full Scholarship in France offers a Fully Funded opportunity for you to do that. If you are an international student with an excellent academic record, this is the best and most amazing chance for you.

Those who are awarded this scholarship will have access to free education, accommodation, and a learning environment. Those who are eager to study in France can apply for the France Scholarship for international students program.

You can also check the Fully Funded Fellowship in the Netherlands for the year 2022.

About Eiffel Full Scholarship in France:

Founded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, the Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program aims to make higher education more attractive to foreign students in order to attract them to French masters and Ph.D. programs.

The French Government Scholarship 2022 is an opportunity for talented students to benefit from the French government's efforts

Foreign decision-makers from private or public sectors have the opportunity to study in priority areas. Applications are encouraged from developing countries up to 25 years of age, and from developing and industrialized countries up to 30 years of age, at the master's level.

You may apply for Maastricht University Holland Scholarship 2022

Brief Description:

  • Location: France
  • Program: Masters and Ph.D. Scholarships
  • Opportunity: Fully Funded
  • Duration: 12 to 36 months
  • Deadline: 07 Jan 2022

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Benefits of Eiffel Full Scholarship in France:

Graduates applying for master's and doctorate's programs will be rewarded the following benefits:

  1. The monthly stipend is €1,181.
  2. Travel from home to Campus will be facilitated for candidates.
  3. Train transportation will be provided.
  4. Local transport is provided up to €50 per candidate.
  5. Health Insurance.
  6. You will take part in some cultural activities.

Eligibility Crietria of Eiffel Full Scholarship in France:

  • Country: You must be a citizen of a country other than France to apply.
  • Age: For the 2022 competition, you must be 25 years or older.
  • Education: Academic achievement must also be excellent. If you get rejected, you can't apply at all levels. You can't apply if you've received an Eiffel scholarship before. Graduate students who received the scholarship at the Master's level may apply for the doctoral level scholarship as well.
  • Language: The scholarship is available to students who speak foreign languages. French students can't get a Master's degree. They get priority over French students for Doctoral programs abroad.


07 Jan 2022 is the last date to apply for the Eiffel Full Scholarship in France.

Required Documents:

Fill out the application form and include these documents.

  1. A letter of motivation is required.
  2. CV.
  3. Official transcripts from previous colleges or universities.
  4. A copy of your passport.

How to Apply for the Eiffel Full Scholarship in France?

There is an Online Application form, They will only accept applications from French educational institutions.

Application Link

Must visit the official website for complete information, this is a summary of the official post.

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