Are you interested in attending the International Youth Festival in Russia? Don't wait any longer, young people! There is a wonderful opportunity that has just begun. It is a fantastic opportunity for youth to be a part of an outstanding forum. It is funded in full, and youth can show their presence at this event.
An opportunity like attending an international festival in Russia should not be missed. The goal of this program is to actively participate in youth and youth organization problems in the Real world. By promo through promoting dialogue and tolerance among young people, this initiative seeks to benefit humanity by working in collaboration.
Note: For more Scholarships Updates join our Telegram Group or Install our Android App.
You may apply for Women Deliver Conference 2023
This is a fully funded conference in Russia and covers following expenses.
There is an online application form and application process, and new dates will be announced soon.
The applications for new dates will be announced soon. 25 Sept 2022 was the last date to register yourself for last year.
Must visit the official website for complete information, as this is a summary of the official post.
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