Summer School in Spain 2020 By University of Barcelona

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autohr img By Vipul Jain
16 Feb, 2025

Applications are now open for UEA summer school in Spain, 2020. This summer school in Spain is arranged by the Urban Economics Association. It will be held at the University of Barcelona in June 2020.

Summer School in Spain:

This UEA summer school in Spain is specifically for students who are interested in urban economics, including regional and urban policy, real estate, transportation, economic geography, etc. students participating in this summer school will get a chance to learn about the research activities related to such topics.

Students will also get the opportunity to present their own research during the summer school.

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Brief Description:

  • Location: Spain
  • Program type: Summer School
  • Program level: Ph.D. students
  • Funding type: financial support available
  • Program dates: June 8-10, 2020
  • Program duration: 3 days
  • Deadline: March 20, 2020

Eligibility Criteria:

Applicants must be students of the Ph.D. level of studies Applicants must be at least in 2nd year (or further) of their Ph.D. studies

Required Documents for application:

  • CV
  • One page description of your Ph.D. Topic in pdf file format
  • A short reference letter from a faculty advisor that describes how the summer school is relevant for your research area and topic (Faculty advisor shall email this separately on the same email by his/her own self)
  • Optional: if a student wants to present his/her own paper during the summer school they should also attach the paper.
  • Applicants shall email the above-mentioned things to
  • Application fee (Financial support available)\Applicants are required to pay a fee worth 150euros.
  • This fee shall cover working lunches, one evening event, and breaks for coffee Some funds are available for students who cannot afford to pay and require financial support.

How to avail Financial Support?

In order to avail financial support, add a separate section in your application. Label it “Financial support request”.

Participating Faculty of summer school in Spain:

Faculty members from the following prestigious institutes shall be a part of the summer school in Spain

  1. London School of Economics
  2. University of Toronto
  3. Columbia University
  4. University of Minnesota
  5. Université Paris-Saclay
  6. CREI & Universitat Pompeu Fabra


20 March 2020 is the last date to apply for Summer School in Spain 2020.

How to Apply for Summer School in Spain 2020:

Email your CV and a one-page description of the topic of your Ph.D. as one pdf file to with “UEA Summer School 2020, Your Name” in the subject line.

Official link: Click here

Frequently Asked Questions:

Does the application fee cover my travel?

No. applicants will have to pay for their travel and accommodation themselves. Some universities may offer travel funding, so it is advised that applicants contact their own universities regarding the travel funding first.

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